FieldServer Theory of Operations

The FieldServer serves as a communication conduit between two or more unique devices. The devices may or may not be utilizing identical protocols or communication busses. The FieldServer retrieves data from a Server node and stores it in a data array. While stored in a data array at a designated location, a client node can access the data at any point in time.

Stored data can be gathered from a client node through a Comm Port (Ethernet or ISA slot), and will include data objects that are paired with Server node protocol layers (PLC or RTU). In order to maintain proper identification of the origin of specific information, the user can configure unique Client Node Descriptors to describe each node and map the information correctly.

The FieldServer captures and stores a variety of data formats in the Data Array , including:

  • Bit
  • Packed Bit
  • 16 Bit Signed Integer
  • 16 Bit Unsigned Integer
  • 32 Bit Signed Integer
  • 32 Bit Unsigned Integer
  • Byte
  • Packed Byte
  • Swapped Byte
  • Floating Point

While a FieldServer can accommodate any number of Data Arrays, it is important to remember that each Data Array can store data in only one format. The flexibility of the FieldServer makes it possible to create configurations that make sense for the user. With logical map descriptors in place, the storing and retrieval process should flow seamlessly between client and server nodes.